
Showing posts from August, 2016

The flicker on the screen

TV, yeah it's always on I'm basking in the shit  flowing  out  of  it. Pose: Inertia - Curiosity (new) ~ Location ~  Immaculate Perception - Immaculate Reflection

Time Waster

Pose: Inertia - Time Waster  (new) [Pumpkin] Wide neck tee @ MOM (new) [Pumpkin] Ripped knees jeans @ MOM  (new) Y-U: Keiko hair (new) +Half-Deer+ Faux Window - Sunny Day (High Blinds) Aria - Oakley Dining Chair

It's getting dark, too dark to see

Pose: Inertia - sick and tired (new) (sit poses 2 vendor) Haikei - Gray wall pence house gacha: Build (Rare), chair, table and photobox @Kustom 9   (new)

The witching hour

Pose: Inertia - Sorcery    (new) Gloves: [CX] Soul Grips ( Black ) @ TMD (new) Belt: Gabriel - Cross body belt (Black) @ TFC (new) **CC** - Arcane Chill Hand FX   @TFC  (new) Krova - Vagrant Hood - Black Location ~ Variations on the Magic Flute 

Only waiting

hive - quaint shack RARE HPMD* Garden Vine02 12,[[RH]] -Oboro- White fox @Origami HPMD* Garden Tree09  (new)  Heart - Wild Flowers - Quenn Ann's Lace @ Fameshed (new)  JIAN Curious Kitties :: Snail Plant RARE @ Gacha Garden     (new)  Garden by anc dotty wild grass {colorful} (FLF) Garden by anc slight wildgrass {flsah green} HPMD  - Colored Bush - light green 8f8 - 04. Our Secret Hideout - Meadow Tree 8f8 - 05. Our Secret Hideout - Meadow Shrub HPMD* Sweet Garden Grass06 HPMD* Sweet Garden Grass01 The Hive - The Outhouse LAQ Decor ~ Picket Fence, White Apple Fall Water Pump JIAN Kitten Pillow Soy - Rattan Woven Chair [white] Soy. Super long Hanging Hedera Stormwood - Tuscan Paving Stone Curb [ keke ] watering can - white 36 - 8f8 - primavera in Toscana Clay Pots 35_8f8 - New Beginnings - Long Window Curtain (Milk Motion) reclaimed wood lantern 2