Culture Shock

Some Culture Shock stuff and a new release from [Contraption]
Headgear: ~plank couture~ Capricorn Sum Bellicus (Culture Shock)
Mask: [Contraption] - Walton's mask *Ocean* (new)
Scarf: [Contraption] - Mr Suspicious Scarf (tinted)
Ear cuff: [glow] studio - Ear cuff (Raven) (Culture Shock)
Wings: [europa] - Nyxus wings, Magpie
Bodysuit: Cheerno - Fight Sky  and Dex

PoseDM - The queue (pose 16 M) (Culture Shock exclusive)
Boots: Gos -  Triumph Boots Denim FaMESHed (exclusive)

Pose: DM - Giving


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