
Showing posts from March, 2012

It's what's on the outside that counts...

New skin and hair. Huuuu! Skin:  ~Tableau Vivant~ - Jin, Light tone, dark (bald)  (new) Hair: [Atro Patena] - Jakob, Black  (new) Hairbase: Aitui - Standard 004 Eyes: Ibanez Eyes - Signature - Moonlight Makeup: ::VyC:: - Smokey eyes Lips: Miamai - Inmutatio Homme Lips 03 Boxers: -Entente-  Boxer Shorts, Koi, Noir

I got my bass back!

It's not everyday you see a Japanese red panda elf boy... Just try to go with it. Anyway, second post of the day (ikr) some new stuff including epic hair from Raw House, as ever. Skin: -Nivaro- - Cunov skin - ghostone Hair: Raw House - Sonny Black 01 Hairbase: Aitui - Etched hairbase - Monumentum 004 (x2) Make up1: ::VyC:: - Smokey eyes Make up 2: [ni.Ju] - Make up - Red Panda Eyes: Chus! - Wonderland: Warm Edition, Wonder Blood (prim eyes) Ears: Schadenfreude - Changeling Ear Tattoo: Buid - 79 Snake Skin 2 Pants: Balaclava!! - Beast Trousers hands: [ni.Ju] -Finger fades for Claws (BETA) Claws: [ni.Ju] - Blood tipped Claws

So do eye

Just a couple of new things, one from (MWFW) Skin: -Nivaro- Cunov skin, ghoststone Hair: [Colors] 56 black Hairbase: Standard hairbase 002 (x2) Make up 1: ::VyC:: - Smokey Eyes Make up 2: [Iruco] - A make up (epoch) Jacket: Aleida - Edmilson blazer (small) (MWFW) Tie: -Entente- Les Affaires tie ,stripes (from black textures pack) Pants: mijn boutique:   Sheer crying tights Boots: Tonktastic - Long Combat boots Tape: SiniStyle - taped fist  & black nails Prop: Pixlights - D: Cube Pose: DM - Fidget #2

3 a.m.

Menswear Fashion Week time. It's not that obvious from this post, I grant you but I will actually wearing some clothes from it in due course. MWFW   Skin: *Birth* Fang Skin (straw) wild_bodynormal_bald  (MWFW) Hair: [Shag] - Handsome Devil (MWFW) Feet: Slink -Jolie Pied for Men   Pose: [LAP] - M-The Domch PR4

Your miles away...

Seems to be a week for new skins. :) This one is from [dekade]. It comes in six tones with light or dark brows and body hair options. The necklace is from Kosh.. My tip, just buy everything they is always interesting and different and it fits me, lol which is always a bonus! lol The shorts are mesh and from Aitui and they actually fit me as well! Unbelievable! I dare not count how many shapes I have now because all the other mesh gear I have. Talking of Aitui, the cardigan is from a new shop, well I think it's been around a while but never seen it worn or blogged. It's called -Entente- and is very akin to Aitui. I blogged some in my last post. Take a wad of cash with you because it sells so much stuff! Hair, (hairbases can be bought seperately.. white ones too.. ikr? huuuu!) clothes, skins, scarves, eye wear, hats, shoes, boots, it's crazy! Nice stuff, well presented. I just stood there in this shop and thought, why the fuck has no one found this before? -E...

Listen to me... Don't move

More new stuff! Huuuuu! Mesh pants, Hah, these are great! they come in a ton of colours and four sizes. And I had to do another photo with the Fruk skin, sans shirt. :p Skin: FRUK - Knox shade 1,The Babyface Eyes: Redgrave - David Make up1: [BG] - Celestial Maenad, Black 5 Make up2: vaya Con Dias - Eye Shadow Hair: -Entente- - Yves hair Hairbase: -Entente- Yves hairbase Monocle: [Contraption] - gavin's Monocle, gunmetal Collar thing: Aitui - Avec Plaisir, Cavern Black Tattoo: ::LP:: - Runes tattoo Right wrist: {SyS} - Armband (From Stardust outfit) Tape: SiniStyle - Taped fist & black nails Left wrist: -Entente- -Johnny Wrist scarf Pants: *chronokit* - Fabre pants, Black Boots: TonkTastic - Long combat boots Location: {vespertine}_sense of

Like tears in rain...

Newness! Oh my! Where to start! Um... skin! yes! New skin fron FRUK called Knox. I suggest you go down there, try all the demos, get confused because there is so much choice and then buy all of them! Huuuu! Next, coat. OMFG! I am never taking this coat off! It's mesh and comes in three sizes, I'm wearing the medium size. It comes in a ton of colours and you can get a fur collar trim as an add on (not worn). Next, new hair... this place seems to have slipped past everyones radar, but it's deff worth checking out, I picked  up a  few from there. Next, new boots (see lower photo) from Adjunct.. not taking these off either! lol Skin: FRUK - Knox skin shade 1 The Babyface, black bald Hair: [Atro Patena] - Rich, black Hairbase:  Aitui - Standard hairbase 2 Make up: ::VyC:: - Smokey Eyes *chronokit* - Mods coat, Black Pants: Deviance - Leather pants Boots: Adjunct - Casablancas Boots, Black Umbrella: {creamshop} Vinyl Umbrella white (unavailable...

Do eeeet!

This is sooo not what I was going to blog today. So, I've  been waiting for someone to blog this avi for a while now, and no one has afaik, so I'm making no apologies for having something that is really well made on my blog. And it's a group gift ffs! It has two head types, (the other has a monacle), and 4 hair types. It comes with this shape and  clothes but I bought the clothes you see here. Skin, head, hair hands, right wrist cuff and upper arm cuffs: [-p-] Android GlaDOS All from the complete avi from Pixels (Group Gift) Top and Skirt and left sleeve and wrist: [sYs] MYDNIGHT (silver) Boots: ST: Spacewalker boots Leg Holster: >SS< T-Virus Leg Holster 1.0 Pose: DM - Unsure Location: Insilico Central Office 1.2 section (not for sale)

Any excuse....

A new skin from .:VyC:. called Ryan. It comes in eight tones with body and facial hair add ons available. Skin: .: VyC:. - Ryan 3 fair bald Hair: Raw House - destroyer 2 Hairbase: Aitui - Etched hairbase, monumentum (x2) Eyes: Redgrave - David Facial hair: Nanuk - pehr goatee black Eye makeup :  .: VyC:.Smokey Eyes tattoo Pants: .not so bad - Vince jeans *mesh* Tape: SiniStyle - taped fist and black nails (thin wrists and fingers) Pose: DM - Swanky male This post isn't really an excuse to post the new Faderhead! huuuuuuuuuuuuuu

How it ends and begins

Just another quick mash up until something new piques my interest. Skin: - Nivaro- Cunov skin - ghostone Hair: Colors - 56 Hairbase: Aitui - standard hairbase (x2) Eyes: Damned eyes 34 Makeup -eyes: la malvada - pois moderno #5 Makeup - lips: Miamai - In Mutatio Homme lips Necklace: Kosh - Hibernation necklace Tattoo: Aitui - pretty Birds Elbow warmers -  [Sakide] Woolen elbows Black Tape: SiniStyle - taped Fist black nails Faun legs: Titania Faun - Obsidion Location: The Dark Side

You are in my vision

Entre nous, I was a bit bored so here's some mesh and some arse. Skin: - Nivaro- Cunov skin - ghostone  Make up: - :LP: - Hornet Helmet: Gos - Gorgon helmet and goggles Collar: Hyperborea - MechCollar - Male Arms: [GW] - cybernetic Arms Pose:  DM - Hindsight - male