I only came to make some noise, I only came to dance.

Would you Adam 'n Eve it? Post number two!
So this is me in mid daft dance. I'm too idle to go pose shopping basically, and even less inclined to make any. ... meh. 
So... I spotted these claws on Vitani Jun's Flickr, a bargain at 120 Lindens.
Annnd what you couldn't see in my first post... my tail! O.o I love my tail! Lol! This is what I look like most of the time at the moment.

Skin: Tableau Vivant - Vincent
Hair: [Colors] 48 Jet Black (Hair Fair 2011)
Eyes: Ibanez - Bastet - Silver
Pants: Amerie: Loose pants
Ears: [Gauze] -Mythic Ears - Jewelry Spiked
Tail: [Gauze] - Yokai tail 
Claws: [ni.Ju] Claws
Boots: TonkTastic - Long Combat Boots
Piercings (left eye): [ni.Ju] Amaterasu
Piercings (Face): HoD - Celtic Swirl Dimples (The Waffle Fox Hunt gift)
Necklace and Armband: *~*Illusions*~* Cord Wraps
Face tattoos: Sorry.Asia - Cyber Touch Make Up
Tattoos: Animus: Tergum Rune tat (no longer available)


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